Tuesday, December 13, 2011

ONE YEAR LATER, Dec. 13, 2011

 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7

Today, a whole year ago, Kim's life was spared through her horrific accident.  She has come a long way in the past year, but still has a long road to travel with her recovery.

Just this past month, after doing months of therapy, on her left arm, the one that was affected by her strokes, the therapist noticed that her progress has been REgressing instead of PROgressing.  Not understanding why, Kim was sent in for a CT immediately, because they thought she could still after 11 months, have bleeding of the brain.  Fortunately, not the case, but then was sent for an MRI (just last Saturday), so no answers as of yet.

Kim is also awaiting dates for 2 more surgeries needed.  After visiting the plastic surgeon in the General, her request was then sent in to the Ministry of Health (standard procedure, because much of the plastic surgery is cosmetic), it was actually DENIED!!  Shocking to us, but not to the Plastic Surgeon himself.  He referred us to one of his colleagues in Oakville, who she goes to on the 20th of December for a consultation, to send a request to the insurance company, because now it is not covered by OHIP.

Her second surgery is a bone graft in her left leg.  After a whole year, her smaller bone in the back of her leg is still broken, now requiring a bone graft, taken from her hip.  For this, we are still waiting for a date too, hoping this will be done soon, as it still gives her much pain.

She still is in physio therapy for about 8 hours a week too.  This, with her everyday activities, as little as they are, still tire her out quickly.  

Kim has come a very long way over the past 12 months, but we once again continue to ask our Lord for the patience and perseverance she needs to heal and continue on in her everyday life.

We will continue with this blog, when we hear more news about her future surgeries.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 52

"All praise and thanks to God, our Father"  Who has made all things well with His child, Kim.

Things have been progressing so well and so fast with Kim, at Shaver's Rehab, that things are being prepared for her discharge ALREADY!  Her discharge date was originally set for February 24th, but she has been given the OK to come home already on Friday.  The therapists no longer see a need for her to remain there, so yesterday, they were getting things organized with the doctors and the therapists for her discharge.

That does not mean she won't need any more care.  Yes, we have a therapy clinic, here in town, 2 minutes from home.  Arrangements are underway for her to begin there next week, and will be going, from what I've been told, till she is to go back to work, or till she no longer needs it.  Wow, won't this be much easier than going to  St. Catherines, everyday for 4-5 hours a day!

She will also have to go back to her family doctor next week, for a followup, and her prescriptions, and then to the dentist to get her chipped teeth looked into, and then back to the General in 5 weeks for more follow-ups.

We are all very excited to have her back home, and though it will still be a while before she will be in tip-top shape, she can always get out and go to her sister-in-law to relax and have some company with her 2 nieces.

Maybe now, after 7 1/2 weeks, we can get our lives back to normal, even though, for all Kim has been through, she made an amazing recovery in such a short time!  Looking back, we can't believe it has come this far!

With thanks to God, our many, many prayers have been answered.

For now, I will continue to update the blog periodically, but as no new changes are made, there really won't be a whole lot to write about!

On behalf of Willie and myself, Kim and the rest of her family, at this time, we would like to say thanks so much to everybody, who looked into her blog, and for all your many thoughts, prayers and concerns.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 44

As promised, here is our next report!

Today, Kim and I went back to the General again, and met with the Trauma Team doctors.  These doctors kinda overruled everything and checked all of Kim's injuries.  They were pleased with Kim's progress.  The two things that we questioned today, were her migraines, which the just gave us a prescription for, in the hope that this will relieve Kim of them.  As to why she is getting them, is that her head went through such shock, like the rest of her body, and has to "settle" yet.  If they persist, we will be back as to the "why".

Our other concern, was Kim's eyes.  She still has double vision, but they say normally in trauma, you will have double vision OUTSIDE your periferal vision, but Kim sees double only INSIDE those areas.  She still has difficulty focusing on reading, computer, and watching TV.  She often keeps her left eye closed for this.  So now I have to make an appointment with a neuro-optomologist,  in other words an eye doctor dealing with brain injuries.

For the rest, Kim is progressing well. She has been off therapy now since Friday, because of the weekend, and then off to the General for the appointments, (which really tuckered her out, both days) but tomorrow, she is back to 2 1/2 hours in the morning and another 1/2 in the afternoon.  I'm sure she will be wore out again after that.

Well, for the rest, all I can say, this is something I wish nobody ever has to go through, and although, I know, I am not the only one, but I think a brain can only take so much in, in one day!!  It's amazing all the paperwork that is involved with insurance company, bosses paperwork, etc. etc.!  You get more forms everyday to fill out, with ALL the different doctors involved, and more and more phone calls to answer every day.  I'm just so thankful, we have a real good insurance company who will patiently listen and tell me over and again, what this form  is for and which doctor this goes to for signing, and her boss who is looking out for Kim's best interests.  I never would have thought for the life of me, how much this involves.  Thanks so much ladies!

But like Kim's plaque above her bed says (a gift from a neighbor) " If God brings you to it, He will see you through it".

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 43

Yes, I know, it's time for a blog again!

Well, today, it's been 6 weeks!  And today, was the first time Kim and I met with the doctors again, since then.  This morning we went by OPT from Shaver to the General first, to see the surgeons that fixed her arm and leg.  He was very pleased with the way things were healing.  Kim is now putting pressure on her leg and even walking for distances.  As for her arm, well, today Kim said taking the "rods"  out of her wrist, through her bones,  was the worst pain ever so far. She also got her cast of today, and then we finally got to see what they actually did. Kim's inner forearm was slit open for about 6 inches and a plate of about 4 inches was screwed in.  The 14 stitches covering this were also taken out today.  This will stay in her arm, as well as the rod, that was put down her leg.  That will stay in permanently, but in a few years time the plate in her forearm may have to come out if it bothers her, because that is just below her skin and she may feel that.  Right now, with no cast and pins to hold her arm in place, she is in a lot of pain, so her pain meds were high today, but with physio on that arm, it will only make it stronger for her to use.  I could already notice a difference tonight, compared to this afternoon when she had her cast taken off.

After that, we went to see the abdominal surgeon.  When he saw Kim, all he said was "Kim, how did my embroidery work turn out?"!!  Upon seeing it, he was quite pleased.

Kim also has a sack of fluid forming on her left side.  This is due to the fact of losing her left kidney.  It doesn't function any longer, so it does releases the fluids.  We noticed over the last week that it grew bigger and bigger, and we became quite concerned about it.  Kim felt she looked like she had this huge thigh. When we questioned the surgeon, he told us we had to options.  Either, let it run it's course, and in 2 to 3 months it would disappear, or he could release it with a needle, but then we take the chance of infection, which would then lead to surgery.  But then because Kim is on Warfarin, that option became unquestionable, for now anyways.

As for Rehab, Kim is doing very well in therapy.  She now gets 4 different kinds of therapy, suiting all her needs, for about an average of 3 to 4 hours of therapy a day.  Very tiring for her some days, others not so bad.  But when she is not in therapy she can relax, and even snooze if she pleases.  Some nights, like tonight, I left already at 6:30, because she was so tuckered out and could fall asleep anytime.  So after being there with her since 10 this morning, I take the chance and leave for home!

Once again, Kim was able to enjoy a weekend at home.  It was quite busy for her, and once again, she came down with a huge migraine on Saturday evening till Sunday morning.  I do think that all the company, may have something to do with it, so I do think we will have to cut visits a little shorter and not make it so busy for her, even though she loves the company and doesn't like to send any away.  But, we must remember, Kim has had a brain injury, and still needs her rest.

Well, that's all for now.  Tomorrow, we head back to the General to meet with the Trauma Team doctors, so I will give a brief update on that visit then too.

Please remember to keep Kim and us in your prayers, as much strength, patience and healing is still needed for her.  Thanks so much.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 37

Kim was home for the weekend!  We had a great weekend together, not having to think about going anywhere! We even actually got to open our Christmas presents! Better late than never, and we actually had a white one!  Still, it wasn't the same!  Kim actually adjusted quite well to being home;  she was able to go down the flight of 9 stairs to get to the family room, where she stayed all weekend.  She has a bed set up for her there, and the washroom is on that level, so that's where we lived all weekend, with her.  Then on Sunday night, it was back up the stairs, what she found to be a little more difficult than going down, but still she had to do it.  Everyday gets a little easier with physiotherapy.

Monday again, was not a good day for Kim.  Although she has suffered from migraines in the past, she seems to be getting them much more lately.  Yesterday morning she woke up to one so bad, she was sick to her stomach, so she didn't do any therapy, but by about 3:00 it subsided a little, but not completely gone till about 6.  Maybe next week, when we head off to her Trauma Team appointment, will she get some answers as to why she is having them so often.

Today was a better day, and she was able to do her therapy once again.  As for now, that's all I can tell you, for I am heading off to go see her now!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 33

"Praise be to the God and Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God who comforts us in all our troubles."  2  Corinth 1:3-4

This week brought big changes for Kim.  On Tuesday, she went off to Shaver Rehabilitation Centre in St. Catherines. When she left the General, to go to Grimsby, we thought it would be a whole lot easier for all of us, because we no longer had to spend 8-9 hours a day at the hospital, but that didn't last long.  Grimsby was a break for us, because, with the hospital being so close to home, we could just stay for a while, and then go home again, and come back later.  But that lasted only for one week, before heading off to Shaver. This will be her "home" for the next 6 weeks. It is about a 20 -25 minute drive here, as was the General, so again we stay here for 4-5 hours, before heading back home.  Willie and I both started work again, me only partime, so we just go after work; myself at about 3:30 and Willie at about 5-5:30, after work. Wednesday, she never did a whole lot, but sleep because she had a migraine, but yesterday they started working with her and it keeps getting a little busier for her everyday. For starts, she get 1/2 hour of occupational therapy, and 1/2 an hour of physiotherapy, which will get increased as time goes on, but next week she also starts recreation therapy, as well as speech therapy.  They do try to keep her occupied during the day.  She has breakfast in bed, usually at 8, but after that it's getting dressed and going to therapy.  then she has to go to the diningroom for lunch, and dinner.  They really don't want you to be in bed much during the day, only when she is in pain, and needs to rest for a while.

 Today, they prepared her for coming home, because yes, she is coming home for the weekend!  She has therapy 5 days a week, and the weekends she is free to go home.  She had to learn how to use her walker, and to go up and down the stairs, because we have a backsplit home.  I think we are more scared than she is, because all we think about is what do we do if she falls, but she, of course thinks what do I do next, and how do I get there.  But so far, so good.  Just the transition to home, really wore her out, so after dinner, it was pain meds and off to bed.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better and more relaxing day for her.  And then on Sunday evening, it's going back to the Rehab, for the week. 

Again, much patience and endurance is needed for Kim, as she continues with therapy for the next 6 weeks, so please remember Kim and us in your prayers.  Thanks from all of us. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 30

Once again, big changes!

 Kim is going to St.Catherines Shaver Rehab Centre for extensive therapy, for anywhere from 3-6 weeks.  Talking to the therapists in Grimsby, and her doctor, they feel this is the best route to go for Kim's treatments.  Because Kim is classified now as a "non-catastrphic trauma patient" she will only get very minimal therapy at home; not enough.  As of now, I can't give any details on Kim's program, but will keep you posted.  She will get therapy Monday through Friday, and will be allowed to come home on the weekends, we are told.  For anyone who is interested in checking Shaver out, just google Shaver Rehab Centre.  That's all I can tell you right now.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 29

It's been 4 weeks today!  And things are progressing!  Kim's is preparing and anxiously waiting to go home.  She spoke to her family doctor this morning, and they are aiming for as soon as the end of the week.  It just can't  happen soon enough for Kim, whereas on the other hand, I look at it as, "Am I ready for this?".  She is getting pretty sick of hospital life!  But first some things need to be set up here at home.  The OT (occupational therapist) needs to come and check out the house to see what Kim needs in the line of a wheelchair, shower chair, rails, etc. so she can be mobile at home.  Then, a PT (physiotherapist) needs to be set up to do therapy at home.

Last Friday, the Brain Injury Consultant from the General.  He came to Grimsby to meet with us to give us some info as to what Kim needs to get done.  Kim will have to be set up with a Neuro-opthomologist to get her eyes examined, due to her strokes and to see what kind of therapy she will need for that.  He also sets up a neurophsyc assessment for her to assess her for when she feels she will be ready to go back to work.  This should always be done for patients with a brain injury, before they go back to work.

Wednesday, we are working on a day pass as a trial run.  With the doc's permission, Kim is allowed to leave for the day, anytime, as long as she is back by 8:00 at night.  She will have to stay till her physio is done, and then we can leave.  This will be a test for Kim to see how she makes out in the vehicle, because if Kim is discharged, that means we will have to take her to the General on Monday for her appointments, but if it doesn't work, she will have to stay at least till Monday,so she can go by OPT (Ontario Patient Transfer).  Knowing Kim though, she will make it work!

It is really amazing how far she has come in the 4 weeks she has been hospitalized, but still, because of her brain injury, she still has a long way to go, before she can be assessed as to when she can go back to work.
Much patience is needed here for her.

Thanks to all of you for your constant prayers, words of encouragement and support.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 25

Well, Kim is settled in her "new home".  Much more a smaller hospital than the General, but really am not complaining about the doctor/nursing staff.  It was nice to meet her family doctor and the whole new staff of nurses again,  and both places, though we do sometimes complain, all in all, we are happy for Kim's care.  At first, we were thinking "How will she be treated in Grimsby?  Will she get the proper care, with the nurses, doctors, physio, etc.?"  Well, so far, so good.  No complaints about that.  Kim only complains about her roommates at times!  She's in a Ward, and has all these "old" (70 plus) ladies around her that she complains are phsyco!!!  she was put here only because no semis are available and she is still in isolation.  As mentioned in my last blog, because she came from the General (which is now totally in "outbreak mode"). Had she come a day later, she would have been in isolation for 7 days.  Now hopefully, that will be finished tomorrow.

Today, she went for her first shower since her accident.  She told her nurse she wanted a 45 minute shower, but had to settle for a 10 minute one!  After that, she had to go for Xrays on her chest.  In the meantime,  the results came back from the X rays that were done on Tuesday morning, before she left the General,and it showed  that there was still fluid in her chest, which will continually be monitored.

She also did physio again today.  She had to walk along the parallel bars for as long as she could stand it.  She did this for 2-3 minutes, which to us seems like nothing, but under Kim's circumstances, was quite an accomplishment.  Keep it up girl!

Tomorrow, we have an appointment with the Brain Injury Specialist. He is coming from Hamilton, to discuss and do a follow-up on Kim's situation.  As well, a list of follow-up appointments were made with the other doctors Kim had in the Trauma Unit in the General.  We will going there for those appointments in a few weeks.

Continued prayers, and strength and lots of patience is all we can ask for. Thanks so much.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 23

"The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him"
 Nahum 1:7

Kim has moved from Hamilton General to Grimsby.  For the next few days though, she will be in isolation, just meaning we have to wear a gown and gloves when we enter her room.  The reason being, the General was in "outbreak"; not on the 6th floor where Kim was, but because the hospital was, Kim has to be for about 2-3 days, till her swabs come back.  Right now she is in a ward, but only till a semi-private room is available (it can't happen soon enough for her!) Please bear in mind that visiting hours are only from 2-8 here in Grimsby.  This move makes it much easier on us and Bryan and Alicia, because now we won't have to stay for 8-9 hours at a time, but rather we can come and go much easier.  Just hoping she gets the same care in Grimsby.

As for Kim, the transfer was a little rough... she felt a little queasy looking out the window.  She had to have the windows covered! Once there, she settled in OK.  After meeting with her own family doctor, she now feels at "home" again.  She will meet with the physiotherapist tomorrow, and then in 3 weeks we will have to come back to the General  for follow-up appointments with all her doctors there.  We were also told this afternoon that her projected stay in the hospital would be for about another 7-10 days, depending how hard she works on her physio and so long as there are no other setbacks.

Please continue to pray for continued healing, strength and patience for Kim.  Thanking you all for your many prayers for all of us, all the way to Australia, where Kim's older sister lives.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 21

Not much has changed over the weekend, so that is good.  Kim is getting out of bed for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours a day, sitting in her wheelchair.  She still does get pretty dizzy in her chair, but persevering with it, will only make her stronger.  Her therapist is off for the holiday weekend, but did leave her with instructions with her to do her exercises.  Hopefully, on Tuesday, when they get back, she will begin to do a little walking.  Another big hurdle for her.

No other big news to write about, but at this point, Kim along with the family, would love to thank everyone for ALL your thoughts, cares,concerns, and prayers; for all the many, many cards and gifts she got.  We just would love to make a HUGE general thanks to everyone, because we don't want to miss anyone, and Kim (under her medication) cannot remember them all, and we weren't there to see them all!  Thanks to all!

Please continue to pray for patience and healing for Kim, as she is now feeling a bit better, but still needs lots of rest for healing.  Thanks so much.