Tuesday, December 13, 2011

ONE YEAR LATER, Dec. 13, 2011

 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7

Today, a whole year ago, Kim's life was spared through her horrific accident.  She has come a long way in the past year, but still has a long road to travel with her recovery.

Just this past month, after doing months of therapy, on her left arm, the one that was affected by her strokes, the therapist noticed that her progress has been REgressing instead of PROgressing.  Not understanding why, Kim was sent in for a CT immediately, because they thought she could still after 11 months, have bleeding of the brain.  Fortunately, not the case, but then was sent for an MRI (just last Saturday), so no answers as of yet.

Kim is also awaiting dates for 2 more surgeries needed.  After visiting the plastic surgeon in the General, her request was then sent in to the Ministry of Health (standard procedure, because much of the plastic surgery is cosmetic), it was actually DENIED!!  Shocking to us, but not to the Plastic Surgeon himself.  He referred us to one of his colleagues in Oakville, who she goes to on the 20th of December for a consultation, to send a request to the insurance company, because now it is not covered by OHIP.

Her second surgery is a bone graft in her left leg.  After a whole year, her smaller bone in the back of her leg is still broken, now requiring a bone graft, taken from her hip.  For this, we are still waiting for a date too, hoping this will be done soon, as it still gives her much pain.

She still is in physio therapy for about 8 hours a week too.  This, with her everyday activities, as little as they are, still tire her out quickly.  

Kim has come a very long way over the past 12 months, but we once again continue to ask our Lord for the patience and perseverance she needs to heal and continue on in her everyday life.

We will continue with this blog, when we hear more news about her future surgeries.

1 comment:

  1. Praying Kym may continue to be blessed with the treatment she requires to assist her in eventually a fall recovery with the blessing of the Lord.
    She has come along way since the accident and we also acknowledge she and the family support is important.
    God bless Kym and you all and thinking of Michelle here who would miss the family alot:)
    Kind regards and christian love
    Hilbert and Jen Jongeling (W.A) Mt Richon
