Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 23

"The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him"
 Nahum 1:7

Kim has moved from Hamilton General to Grimsby.  For the next few days though, she will be in isolation, just meaning we have to wear a gown and gloves when we enter her room.  The reason being, the General was in "outbreak"; not on the 6th floor where Kim was, but because the hospital was, Kim has to be for about 2-3 days, till her swabs come back.  Right now she is in a ward, but only till a semi-private room is available (it can't happen soon enough for her!) Please bear in mind that visiting hours are only from 2-8 here in Grimsby.  This move makes it much easier on us and Bryan and Alicia, because now we won't have to stay for 8-9 hours at a time, but rather we can come and go much easier.  Just hoping she gets the same care in Grimsby.

As for Kim, the transfer was a little rough... she felt a little queasy looking out the window.  She had to have the windows covered! Once there, she settled in OK.  After meeting with her own family doctor, she now feels at "home" again.  She will meet with the physiotherapist tomorrow, and then in 3 weeks we will have to come back to the General  for follow-up appointments with all her doctors there.  We were also told this afternoon that her projected stay in the hospital would be for about another 7-10 days, depending how hard she works on her physio and so long as there are no other setbacks.

Please continue to pray for continued healing, strength and patience for Kim.  Thanking you all for your many prayers for all of us, all the way to Australia, where Kim's older sister lives.

1 comment:

  1. Kim
    Glad to hear that you are getting better. We are also thankful with you that the LORD spared your life.
    Thinking and praying for you
    Chris and Amanda DeBoer (VanderHoeven)
