Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 29

It's been 4 weeks today!  And things are progressing!  Kim's is preparing and anxiously waiting to go home.  She spoke to her family doctor this morning, and they are aiming for as soon as the end of the week.  It just can't  happen soon enough for Kim, whereas on the other hand, I look at it as, "Am I ready for this?".  She is getting pretty sick of hospital life!  But first some things need to be set up here at home.  The OT (occupational therapist) needs to come and check out the house to see what Kim needs in the line of a wheelchair, shower chair, rails, etc. so she can be mobile at home.  Then, a PT (physiotherapist) needs to be set up to do therapy at home.

Last Friday, the Brain Injury Consultant from the General.  He came to Grimsby to meet with us to give us some info as to what Kim needs to get done.  Kim will have to be set up with a Neuro-opthomologist to get her eyes examined, due to her strokes and to see what kind of therapy she will need for that.  He also sets up a neurophsyc assessment for her to assess her for when she feels she will be ready to go back to work.  This should always be done for patients with a brain injury, before they go back to work.

Wednesday, we are working on a day pass as a trial run.  With the doc's permission, Kim is allowed to leave for the day, anytime, as long as she is back by 8:00 at night.  She will have to stay till her physio is done, and then we can leave.  This will be a test for Kim to see how she makes out in the vehicle, because if Kim is discharged, that means we will have to take her to the General on Monday for her appointments, but if it doesn't work, she will have to stay at least till Monday,so she can go by OPT (Ontario Patient Transfer).  Knowing Kim though, she will make it work!

It is really amazing how far she has come in the 4 weeks she has been hospitalized, but still, because of her brain injury, she still has a long way to go, before she can be assessed as to when she can go back to work.
Much patience is needed here for her.

Thanks to all of you for your constant prayers, words of encouragement and support.


  1. Wow Kim, I can't believe you can go home soon - it seems too soon considering what you've gone through. I'd be a little scared too Nettie if I were you but you're a good Mom and I know you'll take care of Kim just fine. We'll be praying for much strength and patience for all of you.

  2. Dear Kim, VanDyk Family,
    We continue to uphold Kim and your family in our daily prayers.
    We are thankful to hear that there is enough progress so that there is talk of Kim going home. What a blessing!
    Thanks for the continued blogs so we can "keep up"
    Peter and Ali Sikkema
