Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 30

Once again, big changes!

 Kim is going to St.Catherines Shaver Rehab Centre for extensive therapy, for anywhere from 3-6 weeks.  Talking to the therapists in Grimsby, and her doctor, they feel this is the best route to go for Kim's treatments.  Because Kim is classified now as a "non-catastrphic trauma patient" she will only get very minimal therapy at home; not enough.  As of now, I can't give any details on Kim's program, but will keep you posted.  She will get therapy Monday through Friday, and will be allowed to come home on the weekends, we are told.  For anyone who is interested in checking Shaver out, just google Shaver Rehab Centre.  That's all I can tell you right now.


  1. Such great news and it's only been 4 weeks since the accident. Amazing progress Kim!

  2. May the Lord continue to grant Kim, and all of you, including the medical staff all you need during the days ahead. We are remembering you in our prayers.
    Tim and Elly Hutten and family.
    Canadian Reformed Church of Glanbrook.

  3. Wow, lots of things happening and all good things! Keep your eyes fixed above Kim, all things are possible with Him in control. Hugs Joanne Kok
