Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 44

As promised, here is our next report!

Today, Kim and I went back to the General again, and met with the Trauma Team doctors.  These doctors kinda overruled everything and checked all of Kim's injuries.  They were pleased with Kim's progress.  The two things that we questioned today, were her migraines, which the just gave us a prescription for, in the hope that this will relieve Kim of them.  As to why she is getting them, is that her head went through such shock, like the rest of her body, and has to "settle" yet.  If they persist, we will be back as to the "why".

Our other concern, was Kim's eyes.  She still has double vision, but they say normally in trauma, you will have double vision OUTSIDE your periferal vision, but Kim sees double only INSIDE those areas.  She still has difficulty focusing on reading, computer, and watching TV.  She often keeps her left eye closed for this.  So now I have to make an appointment with a neuro-optomologist,  in other words an eye doctor dealing with brain injuries.

For the rest, Kim is progressing well. She has been off therapy now since Friday, because of the weekend, and then off to the General for the appointments, (which really tuckered her out, both days) but tomorrow, she is back to 2 1/2 hours in the morning and another 1/2 in the afternoon.  I'm sure she will be wore out again after that.

Well, for the rest, all I can say, this is something I wish nobody ever has to go through, and although, I know, I am not the only one, but I think a brain can only take so much in, in one day!!  It's amazing all the paperwork that is involved with insurance company, bosses paperwork, etc. etc.!  You get more forms everyday to fill out, with ALL the different doctors involved, and more and more phone calls to answer every day.  I'm just so thankful, we have a real good insurance company who will patiently listen and tell me over and again, what this form  is for and which doctor this goes to for signing, and her boss who is looking out for Kim's best interests.  I never would have thought for the life of me, how much this involves.  Thanks so much ladies!

But like Kim's plaque above her bed says (a gift from a neighbor) " If God brings you to it, He will see you through it".


  1. Continuing to pray for all of you!
    The Hutten's, Glanbrook

  2. Hi guys- thinking and praying for you all- Ray and I would love to come down sometime in the near future to visit you all- I will email you on that...
    May God continue to give you all strength and patience on this road of recovery- especially you Kim- one day at a time :)
    Love to all,
    Ray and Renee and family
