Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 5

This morning Kim had a TEE- Transesophagel Echo. This was to check if there was any blood clots in her heart; to see if it is functioning properly and also to see if there were any tears in her arteries. This came out positive and all looked well. They started to do therapy on Kim's chest as well; which seemed to really tire her out, so our visits with her were limited. Again today she was quite responsive, showing her emotions well. A blessing to us that she is getting better. We were told that she may get her breathing tube out tomorrow, good for her because she shows a lot of discomfort with it. I am sure it would be with two tubes going down your throat.! Overnight they plan to give her two more blood transfusion (to bring it to a total of 7) to bring her hemoglobin up. Around 9:00 we went in to say our good nights wishing Kim a peaceful and restful sleep. Again we thank the Lord for His providential care.


  1. Even though we don't know Kim, we are praying for her, and for you all!
    One day at a time...
    may you all feel our Lord's arms around you!

    Richard and Tracey Stam (Hoeksema)

  2. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
    Cora and Andy

  3. Awesome News Nettie and Willie,
    Our prayers continue for Kim, that she will gain strength and healing each day.
    Praying for you too as a family, that the Lord will be close to you as you minister to her, giving you strength as well.
    Love from us all!

  4. So good to hear more enouraging news and that her responsiveness is increasing! You have our prayers for another good day of healing and we will see you tomorrow.

  5. We wish you all the Lord's Blessings during these hard times, may you be comforted by him and we will continue to remember you in our Prayers.
    Gerald & Jean Terpstra
    & Family

  6. We continue to pray for Kim and for your family. May you feel strengthened knowing that so many in the surrounding churches are praying for you. May the Lord carry you through this difficult time and grant healing.
    John and Diane Bosscher

  7. Hi Kim and Family. We continue to remember you in prayer. May you be strenghtened in the knowledge that you are safe in God's hands. What a blessing that you can communicate with Kim. Hopefully more when the tubes are removed. For us the communication is still only eye blinks and body language. May you be bourne on the wings of eagles.
    Al, Deb, and Shawna Bethlehem

  8. Willie & Nettie, Kim, and family,
    Thanks be to God who keeps us in His loving care and is close beside us no matter what happens! May our Heavenly Father continue to be your strength and comfort and may He continue to grant Kim healing and recovery. His blessings are so numerous as we see yet again!
    You are all in our daily thoughts and prayers.
    Love, John & Wilma Groenwold and girls
